'Bitter Suite' Big Band Tutorial
In this video I walk you step by step through the Chart and Track: 'Bitter Suite'. I give a comprehesive breakkdown of the the relevant sections fo the tune as well as a full demonstrations of the tune.

In this lesson I cover, groove, phrasing, voicing, dynamics and interpretation of the chart.

I recorded this video during the Covid-19 lockdown at my studio in Birmingham, England to benefit the fantastic community of drummers across the world.
The track and chart for 'Bitter Suite' are available as a FREE download from Darren Williams's website: https://www.darrenwilliams.org/bigband
Simply sign up to his list and you'll be able to download three tracks and charts for free!

These tracks features some of the UK's finest musicians including the fantastic Laurence Cottle on Bass who also wrote the tunes.

Author: Darren Ashford
You can find out more about Darren here: http://www.darrenashford.com/about
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